
Revision Endurance

Come out to work on your speed, endurance, and power with this cardio focused class. You'll use the track to record times, the bleachers for work on power, and a mixture of bodyweight and resistance exercises for strength. Perfect combination for anyone looking to lose weight, get faster, or become stronger!

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Revision Strength

Great for all levels, this class is a mix of strength and cardio using sandbags, resistance bands, bodyweight, and the surrounding terrain. We’ll do three sets of 8-10 exercises with a given number of reps and may throw in some surprises along the way. You’ll build strength through repetition and be dripping in sweat by the end.


Revision Conditioning

Remember doing all those drills when you played sports growing up? Little did you know how important they were to creating a well rounded athlete. This class will bring flashbacks to those times as you work together with your fellow classmates to improve your agility, speed, strength, and power.